
We need to get out of these boxes.

ALRIGHT! So I'm soberizing a bit after I got back from a show in the 'farmer's hole' (Dutchism!) of Groot-Bijgaarden, close to Brussels. JK de Paddestoel is holding a benefit week, and I decided to contribute. By drinking beer. And checking out bands. 3 bands were playing, I only managed to see 2 of them. I also scored one free Cara Pils. Talk about one hell of a show.

Off The Charts, famous from their entry in the This Ain't Noise fanzine #1, performed, so I finally took the opportunity to check this out in real life. They started playing some instrumental song, and went straight into the Myspace/Facebook hit Dark Shades. Not bad. Really: not bad. I'd even say: good. I'm thinking Latterman, O Pioneers!!!, Osker - a pretty 'No Idea Records' sound, so to speak. Basically, it's powerful (though it needs some tightening up) and melodic. I'm really digging the guitar parts. They play pretty complicated music for being a punk rock band. Good show! Contrastive as well as harmonic vocals take turns, drums and bass get the shizzle going and the result is a pretty good punk rock band. Demo coming out this summer! Check iiiiit! "Empty hearts are made from empty bottles."
Needs some tightening up, maybe.

Millions Of Them was pretty unknown to me, but I had heard terms as mathcore and such things, so I was pretty curious. Turns out they're half metalheads, half hardcoredudes, and that equals into an experimental hopscotch of shrieking guitar riffs (ZING SHSHSHSH WEIRD CHORD), hard and fast bass parts (DUN DUN DUN DUN) and technical drumming (BAM TCHING KADANG TSHHH). This musical madness is accompanied by a guy screaming his lungs out from time to time and getting rather passionate about his music. It's cool when you can see that bands are into what they do. I don't want to see machines. I want to see musicians. I got to see musicians.
Thank God for musicians!

I missed out on Musth. Quite a shame!

I finished my Cara Pils and headed to the station. I got on the train and listened to Idle Will Kill by Osker. I had a wagon to myself so I sang out loud to the songs. More people should listen to Idle Will Kill.

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