

Last Friday night was one of those Friday nights. I finished my academic career by half-arsedly filling in an exam in the afternoon, then I drank some Punk IPA's on a balcony, ate some fries with some friends and went to see a couple of radical bands.

When I arrived at Kavka, Coldsore was playing. Last time I saw them they were an acoustic outfit, now they've seemingly upgraded. It sounded alright but I went to say hi to some buds and drink a beer outside.

I drank a bunch of beers. Inside, outside, on all the sides.

Cheap Drugs played next. I love Cheap Drugs. Show was good. That is all.

Off The Charts rules as well. I guess The Ignored did good as well, don't think I saw them though.

Gnarwolves ruled. Everthing in fries of one and all that. Had a good dance, a good singalong. It was pretty gnarly. They're an amazing band like.

Then I got drunk on more beers and weird cocktails and had a headache till 5 pm the next day.

hashtag punx

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