
The Story So Sub-Par

I KNOW. I haven't been updating. Whaddayoucare? Do you even read this blog? Do you? Oh, thanks. That's cool.
I met a dude this week whose band I didn't necessarily like and he had read my review on the blog and kind of agreed maybe? Pretty funny. He was a really nice dude.

Anyway, I do stil go to shows and the last one I attended was a sold out (whut?) show for the Seahaven/The Story So Far show. Off The Charts was the support. It was like 11 euros. I had verry little idea of who those two headlining acts were prior to Tuesday. I still don't really.

Off The Charts are on a roll. Playing better shows every time, releasing an album soon, playing songs that are really good. They have it all. Seriously, those new songs sound really good. There are some main contemporary influences such as Basement and Title Fight, spiked with a typically 90s vibe coming from bands like Leatherface. Catchy tunes with interesting song developments. Look out.

I saw the first few Seahaven songs, which were okay, but I got bored so decided to head to the bar and hang/drink beer. Probably not the best decision, but I was fine with it.

I saw The Story So Far from the back, hanging with my West Flanders buds. The Story So Far is one of the, if not the, most popular pop punk bands these days. Wait, I mean "pop punk" bands. They're the kind of pop punk that, in my opinion, shouldn't be called pop punk. For one, it's not really poppy. If anything, these bands look more like a soft hardcore band than anything. Anyway, The Story So Far, or TSSF as the cool kids call 'em, is huge and kinda good, just way too generic in a sub-subgenre I'm not too stoked about. Crowd was insane though. And young, side-note, many young peepz came out on a Tuesday night, which is cool.
Anyway, semi-boring show, I talked to Dimi about how much I want to see Hold Tight! at Fest this year and he whole-heartedly agreed. That's cool.

See you in the pit.

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