Roger Water - The Wall - live. My friend Sam invited me to go to this and at first I didn't wanna go. After I came to my senses and realised I could see Roger Waters play The Wall in its entirety, I bought a ticket anyway. For 69 euros. Funny, right. 69.
So I survived the corporate machine once again in order to enjoy some fine music by a band that was once Pink Floyd. And I was stoked to see these songs live. Little did I know that the songs weren't the only thing to be stoked on.
HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT THAT'S A BIG WALL. Mr. Waters and his crew had decided it's a good idea to set up a white wall, made of mostly seperate bricks, about thrice the length of the stage itself, which is already ginormous. So that was my first impressions. Little did I know that was just the start. The things this show would pull out of its sleeve, it's almost literally unimaginable. Of course, the existence of it proves that someone once imagined it, and even made it happen. That's cool.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to The Wall. If you're going to take photos, please put your camera to "flash forced off" or you'l only get pictures of a white screen and you will hinder the projections.Whatevz you say man.
The start is a bit blurry. I remember a reenactment of a famous Spartacus scene, a stage filled with people holding flags, A FUCKLOAD OF FIREWORKS (only at the beginning though, thank God), and a bunch of other stuff happening, most notable a model airplane that flew from the back of the crowd right into The Wall. Roger Waters just gets into it. The setlist for the show was pretty easy:
Afte the first two songs The Waters introduced himself and such and started a speech about a friend of his who had been harassed by cops, basically saying, at age 70, the all cops are bastards. That's fucking hardcore, dude. I was captivated by this man, musically, ideologically and in terms of entertainment. I say ideologically cause the whole experience of watching The Wall get played live, with all those visuals, gave it so much more sense than I had got from just listening to the record. The Wall itself is about 35 years old as well, so it's created in a timeframe that I have zero affinity to.
Sure, the songs were great. The songs were amazing. That was a given. But the show was extraordinaire. The giant teacher-monster during Another Brick In The Wall. The backplay of the 1980 Roger Waters footage while singing Mother in 2013. The projections of airplanes dropping crucifixes, communist icons, and other imagery during Goodbye Blue Skies. It all made so much more sense to me. I knew The Wall was a coneptual fucking thing, but the way the show was given, it emphasized a lot on the Cold War, Red Scare and all that jazz. It just fell together perfectly, the balance of personal and literal wall-imagery. I loved it.
I loved how he integrated fallen war victims. I loved that they were building the wall during first half of the show, shoving the last brick in at the end of Goodbye Cruel World. I loved that they were right on top of the Wall during Comfortably Numb. I loved how the videos of kids seeing their dads again almost made me tear up for some reason. I loved how there suddenly was a big, black, graffiti'd pig in the air. I loved the cartoon during Run Like Hell (I think).
I love the fucking shit out of the show. It's pretty difficult and, frankly, stupid to write a blog post about it cause it was just too extravagant and over-the-top to discuss. Lots of things have slipped my mind, but it was definitely worth my 69 euros. Heh, 69.
In order to restore the punxness of my blog I wanted to include a Youth of Today reference but it didn't work out, sorry.
Break down the wall.
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