

Let's go back to last Wednesday. I saw a show back then. It was at JH Zenith in Dendermonde. Upstairs. Pretty cool venue. It was nice.

I arrived mid-set for Coldsore, who played their first show apparently. Acoustic (side-?)project with a couple of the The Homeless guys. It was cool, I guess. Some cool songs, a xylophone, nice hooks and cool lyrics. Good first impression, I'd check 'em out again.

The next band on the bill was Dowsing. As per usual, I didn't know what they sounded like and I hadn't bothered to listen to them before because I was busy listening to other music. But holy smokes, they were amazing. They captured me from the start with their shreddy emo-ish tunes, chords I couldn't recognise but sounded so infectious. It was great. If I had had a frown, they would have turned it upside down. Know what I'm saying? They're the kind of band that has an inherent energy and fun that makes you happy. It made me happy, anyway. Not many Midwest band can do that. Most of them just make me sad.

Also, I did a short interview with them after the show, and they were really nice peepz. We talked about the new record, girls in the punk scene, nerd stuff and why their bass player was wearing a motorcycle helmet all of a sudden. The drummer kinda looked like me, or I kinda looked like the drummer. Coincidentally, he also looked like the drummer from Direct Hit!, who also looks like me, or who I also look like.

Annabel started playing and they were really cool. Not as much my cup o' tea as Dowsing for some reason, but their brand of the 'mo was definitely more extravagant and freaky. Not in a bad sense. The build-ups, the vocals, the riffage and dynamics all made up for a nice show of which I had to miss the last song because of darn early trains. Great band though.

Forever traindependent.

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