
Hardcore sucks.

I don't think hardcore sucks. Hell, I fucking love hardcore. I just think most of the hardcore scene take themself too seriously. That's kinda lame. Peepz should lighten up. Also they have weird inside rules and weird dance moves. With their moshzors, two-steppings and their breakdownses.

Hageland Hardcore Fest was fun. The Aarschot hardcore thing is blooming, lotsa people showed up, including me. I had the weekend off and nothing else to do, plus some of my favourite local acts were on the bill.
And Jordi was supposed to come too, that's always a reason to go somewhere.

I arrived and met up with mah buds in Outline and Ashes. I got a huge hug from den Berre. You could say things are getting pretty serious between us.

After the pre-fest hang it was time to jump into the during-fest activities, which consist of watching a few bands and hinging out more.

GRIM kicked off. They're a cool band. Started off as a silly side project, but are now basically a real band. They're playing a metal-induced hardcore kinda thing. I don't think there's many Belgian bands doing that thing, but it's pretty cool. I think Gijs plays his guitar upside down. I don't know why, maybe he's left-handed or something? Doesn't really matter. He can produce some cool riffs. Krikke's got a throat to say 'you' to (dutchism) and Stef and Dirk make the whole thing sound even more evil than it already was. Great show, it was Krikke's birthday, too. He's a great dude. Great frontman, as well.
He got a warning at work for laughing with fat ladies on facebook. Apparently people check that shit and are not pleased. ACAB.

Next band was Reminders, I think. All right hardcore/metalcore. I guess they're all right. Didn't see the entire show.

Outline is probably my favourite current band in Belgian hardcore. Their new songs are freaking amazing, their live shows are great, and they're nice dudes. My foot got stuck in the microphone cord, sorry Rikkie.
Tombs is gonna break pots, dudes (dutchism). Watch out. Y'all are missing out if you're not listening to Outline.

Some other band played the big stage. Watch me care. I didn't know any of the bands playing the 'big' stage, except for The Setup, who I ended up missing due to circumstances. Guess it was more of a "cool kids/crucial dudes" kinda stage. I'm not cool and I'm not crucial. I'm a punx. I'm the punx. Hardcore sucks.

I did see World Eater, they were alright I guess. They had a cool Star Wars shirt design.

I went to the city with Jordi, Kimberly and Wouter to find the 'foefenwinkel', which was actually a fiftiesstore, rebaptized to foefenwinkel due to phonological resemblance of foefen and fifties. Kind of. We also got photographed by scouts ladies. I don't know why. I guess because we're so hot 'n' sexy.

In time to watch most of 18 Miles' set. I moshed during Hollow, which is a fantastic song. I stood in the hallway hanging out and passively checking it for the second half or so of their set. Awesome band though.

Hung out more. Watched the beginning of Ashes, then went for fries. I really like Ashes but I was also hungry, plus I've seen them a lot already, plus it was a wild show and I'm scared of wild shows, plus I was hungry. I don't think they will forgive me for skipping their show, but I sincerely hope they have it in their heart to do so.
Also best current Belgian band. Listen to Ashes or be stupid or something.

After a portion of fries and a mexicano we picked up Laura from the station and since I didn't really wanted to see anymore bands except for The Setup maybe, we just hung out in the hallway, which was fun. I like punkrock and hardcore shows cause I can hang with friends who live in other cities and stuff.

After a while we went for pizza. That was rad. I ate a pizza. Awesome. I ended up missing The Setup, but whatevz, right? I kinda wanted to see them but, then again, I'll see them another time.

So yeah, I spent most of Hageland Hardcore Fest being punx and hanging out and eating stuff and drinking beers.
Some great bands played etc. Whoo!

What a lousy review.

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